Aaronitus Poeticus

     So yeah, I write poetry. That means I'm way deep and shit. Well, you may not be into that sort of thing. But If you don't dig it(again, poetry, keep up now) then you are just like the other 78% of Americans who don't know how to approach poetry. Yeah, it scares them. And maybe I did make that statistic up just now, but it's still true, kinda. Anyway, if you can get down with the poetic get down, then this is a, if not the, place for you, and if you can't, then prepare to not have your mind blown.

Beautiful Certainty 

No Name #1

No Name #2

No Name #3 

No Name #4

The Farmer Digging

War Contagious

Heat and Perception

Roots Before Branches

An Intimacy of Scars

Too Close to an Amp.